Environmental Policy

Ceres New Zealand is committed to the protection of its employees, property and other people from accidental injury or damage from work carried out by and on behalf of the company, and adopt health, safety, and welfare as a fundamental business objective. whilst management have ultimate accountability, we all have a responsibility for health and safety in the workplace.
This Environmental Policy is reviewed by Ceres New Zealand’s senior management annually to ensure relevance and set objectives for the forthcoming year.
Copying this document without the permission of Ceres New Zealand is not permitted.
© copyright 2022 Ceres New Zealand
Environmental Policy
To ensure effective environmental management during any of Ceres NZ LLC works, the Ceres NZ LLC policy framework for environmental management on projects needs to be understood. This section outlines the key environmental policy, objectives, key performance indicators and environmental management approach underpinning the Projects
Our Environmental Philosophy
Ceres NZ’s environmental philosophy is based upon ethical conduct, integrity, mutual trust, and teamwork. We promote the protection of the environment and minimise air, water, ground, and soil pollution.
In meeting our commitment to the environment, management will comply with all legislative and relevant standards requirements and shall ensure we,
- Are committed to operating in a manner that prevents pollution and protects the earth’s resources
- Are committed to supporting those in management positions to maintain and improve environmental matters
- Are committed to operating in compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations
- Are committed to strive continuously to improve the Company’s environmental performance by implementing environmental management procedures. Regularly reviewing their effectiveness and rectifying deficiencies where necessary
- Are committed to establishing processes to review the environmental aspects and impacts of Ceres NZ work activities prior to undertaking the work, and implement appropriate procedures to manage potential risk
- Are committed to setting environmental objectives which benefit the company’s environmental performance
- Are committed to providing the support and resources necessary to ensure compliance with Company and statutory requirements
- Are committed to holding management accountable for the environmental performance of their projects
- Are committed to encouraging process modifications that reduce pollution and waste
- Are committed to implementing internal recycling programs
- Are committed to reporting and recording environmental incidents and non-compliance situations, and initiate remedial action to improve performance, rectify damage and prevent recurrent incidents
- Are committed to establishing mechanisms for employees to report concerns about environmental issues and respond promptly to their concerns
- Are committed to establishing objectives and targets and monitor our performance through the establishment of Key Performance Indicators and Develop manager, employee, and contractor awareness of their environmental obligations through education and training.